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A Decade ago, there was a group in Western Canada (predominately Alberta) that was called the Wildrose Group.  This loose knit association was started so that all the industrial companies in the region to discuss and time their shutdowns so there was minimal overlap.  The idea was solid, and the participation was consistent - unfortunately, it was in the Hey-Day of the Alberta 'Boom' and a very large Oil & Gas player in the market decided it did not need to abide by any type of 'gentleman's agreement' n regards to planning and participation - which was fair.  They proceeded to organize their shutdown to their own schedule with little regard to any of the other participants.  The Result:  The group fell apart and disbanded.

Out of those ashes came CCMST - The Canadian Council for Maintenance, Shutdowns & TurnArounds.

Times are different, the economy is wracked with poor National Government, Covid, Slower Economy, Environmental Extremism - to name a few.

The industrial engine that propels our Provinces and Territories needs to band together.  We need to maximize our resources, minimize our costs and keep the industry firing on all cylinders.

It matters not whether you are in Oil & Gas, Alternative Energy, Mining, Pulp & Paper or any of the other Industrial Sectors - sharing information can only assist you in your process and maintenance strategy.

This "FREE" service for Industry 'End-User' Professionals will help change the way you look at project timelines and economic impacts for your project and the community.

We are excited to be building a Better Canada for us all!


Together we can build a quality of life for all Canadians, while ensuing our children have a beautiful, clean place to live that will sustain their lifestyles as well, and for many generations to come.

Our Mission
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